
19 November

  You may be reading this because your business produces and distributes a newsletter in PDF format. So you are possibly. quite proud of how nice it looks when you print it out. You also may trade-off the ‘ease’ of uploading it to...[Read More]

World War II: country-by-country count of human losses (in true scale)

10 November

How many civilians and military died in WW2 (in true scale). World War II: country-by-country count of human losses Data source: National Ww2 Museum.org, World War 2 Statistics. * The data are an average of the different sources. It is impossible...[Read More]


10 November

  You may be reading this because your business produces and distributes a newsletter in PDF format. So you are possibly quite proud of how nice it looks when you print it out. You also may trade-off the ‘ease’ of uploading it to...[Read More]

[VIDEO] Button batteries – tiny batteries, big danger

28 October

(ACCC) 26 October 2020   The ACCC is urging parents and carers to be aware of the serious risks associated with button batteries, as it launches its ‘Tiny batteries, Big danger’ safety campaign today. In Australia, one child a month...[Read More]

Title here

23 October

  You may be reading this because your business produces and distributes a newsletter in PDF format. So you are possibly quite proud of how nice it looks when you print it out. You also may trade-off the ‘ease’ of uploading it to...[Read More]

Title here

24 September

  You may be reading this because your business produces and distributes a newsletter in PDF format. So you are possibly quite proud of how nice it looks when you print it out. You also may trade-off the ‘ease’ of uploading it to...[Read More]

3 reasons why PDF newsletters are evil

15 September

You may be reading this because your business produces and distributes a newsletter in PDF format. However, when was the last time you attempted to enjoy a PDF newsletter on an iPhone or Fablet? I may be bold in saying this, but if you were...[Read More]

Bla bla

27 August

  Bla bla bla


13 August


Some good news another month closer to a life beyond COVID-19

24 July

  Hi there.  How are the easing of COVID-19 restrictions affecting you as we head towards tax time? We’ve put together some articles to help you get through this as well as to look beyond to a life more normal. Please...[Read More]

World’s Largest Cities by Population 1950 – 2035

22 July

  How many US cities do you think will end up in the top 10? Find out by watching this animated graph by Data Is Beautiful

3 reasons why PDF newsletters are evil

8 July

  You may be reading this because your business produces and distributes a newsletter in PDF format. So you are possibly quite proud of how nice it looks when you print it out. You also may trade-off the ‘ease’ of uploading it to...[Read More]

Best-Selling Video Game Consoles 2004 -2019

1 July

  Another look at video game console wars. This time by units sold per month over time. Who will win? From our favourite data animator, Data Is Beautiful

Nice story [Video]

26 June

  skdjfhseklsefhklu g;oherk;gerheri;

Top 100 Most Visited Countries Comparison (2019)

24 June

  How did Australia go in this animated ranking by WawamuStats of the most popular countries visited in 2019?